Saturday 19 April 2014

Hello, Honky-Lovers!

Hello, Honky-Lovers!  It's good to be back!  I have been very keen to get back to keeping you updated on all things paramedically Merman but unfortunately I have been somewhat indisposed due to my incarcercation at Her Majesty's Pleasure for the last two and a half years.   I won't go into the grisly details but suffice to say that if any of you are currently attempting to woo a pretty lady in your neighbourhood I would strongly suggest that you do not attempt to impress her by hiding under her bed dressed as a celebrity merman and whispering 'look at the size of my fin' while she is putting her nightie on.  

Long story short, I have paid my debt to society and return energised, if also slightly traumatised!   Regardless, my future as the world's premier Honky Nincompoop Blogger lies before me!

Stay tuned for lots of exciting Honky Facts!  In the meantime, here's a copy of a letter that I pretended Honky Nincompoop wrote to me while I was in prison.  Oh, apparently it is good blogger ettiquette to encourage interaction in the comments from readers, so, do you have any exciting Honky memories?  Have you ever been in prison?  Have you ever hidden under a woman's bed, dressed as a Merman?  Tell me all about it! 

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